Kids Foundation

Founding Fathers Week

Celebrating the Values of Our Country’s Founding Fathers

As the proud citizens of the United States of America, we owe a great debt of gratitude to our Founding Fathers. Celebrating their extraordinary contributions to the nation’s founding, Miami schools will be hosting a special “Founding Fathers Week”. This week-long event will serve to instill in children and young people the values that the Founding Fathers of the American Nation bequeathed to us.

The Founding Fathers week [project]

Patriot kids Foundation wants to propose the idea of a Founding Fathers week.
Our great nation was created by many brave men, not a few. The American Constitution has been maintained alive for over 200 years, on solid pillars of freedom and independence, never under government control, these incredible men made sure that no government could ever take away our individual rights and freedoms.

We are facing dark and sad moments in our country, where children and young people reject our history, our values, our constitution, family as the basis of our society, and judge these great men who lived more than 200 years ago and acted according to the time and society in which they lived.

To understand the main documents that created our nation, we must know more about the lives and values of those who created them. I want to propose that by playing games and working as a team in a fun way, we can:
Revive the love in the new generation for these brave men.
To talk in class during this week about their lives, careers, and financial balance, so that we can understand more all the sacrifices that they had to go through to create our Republic.
We must learn more about the Founding Mothers: women,the wives, daughters, and mothers of the men referred to as Founding Fathers who also played important parts in supporting the separation from England , the American Revolutionary War and our Republic.
We must also talk in our classrooms that since the beginning of our Republic abolishing slavery was always a topic debated in all congress meetings.
They left their lives behind, their time to spend with their family, and they gave it all away because they wanted a country where people could have a free life away from government control or anything else that would control the lives of each and one of the citizens. So that we can all enjoy this wonderful nation that we have inherited.

Daniel Ferrer 

                             Patriot Kids Foundation.

Youth leadership
Jason Miller | Daniel | Mariem Ferrer | Cadel Linares

We must learn much deeper about their values, integrity, fundamental principles, love, and faith in God. We must incorporate these fundamental values ​​and principles into our education so that the light of individual freedom and rights, as well as the commitment to always putting America and Americans first forever illuminate the hearts of the new generations.
By understanding and upholding these values, Americans can ensure a free and vibrant society for the years to come.
We celebrate President’s Day by honoring the great men who have been Presidents of our nation, but many of our founding fathers were never presidents, and it leaves out a lot of great founding fathers that did an essential work for our country, and they should be remembered, respected and admired by all of us.

They did not just create a republic with rights and freedom, they created a republic thinking in posterity and new generations.

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The Patriot Kids Foundation is making a difference in the lives of children and the community.