Saving America Starts With You
Patriot Kids Foundation's fundamental objective is to return children and young people to the proper path on which our Nation was founded, rescuing the original intention that our Founding Fathers established in 1776. To achieve this objective, it is essential that children and young people know and understand the Philosophy of Government on which the United States of America was founded and that it is precisely this Philosophy of Government that makes our country an example of freedom in the world. And be Exceptional.
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Saving America Starts With You

The Patriot Kids Foundation aims to guide children and young people back to the nation’s founding principles, focusing on the values of freedom, respect, and community. The foundation will educate on the Philosophy of Government that has made the U.S. a symbol of freedom and exceptionalism through conferences in private schools, community centers, and theaters. These events will be divided into three age groups, each with tailored resources to ensure the messages resonate effectively.

Group #1

Elementary School Children Focus: Early formation of values and national identity. Resources: Coloring books, activity books, puzzles, table games, life-size American flags, toys, child-friendly versions of the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution.

Group #2

Middle and High School Focus: Reaffirmation of values and preparation for adulthood. Resources: Adapted materials from Group 1, focusing on deeper understanding.

Group #3

Adults and Families Focus: Educating families on national principles and their role in society.

Resources: Comprehensive materials on government philosophy, individual rights, and the nation's foundational documents. Conference Topics: The presence of core principles in fundamental documents. The role of national symbols and documents in daily life. Government philosophy and individual rights. Clarifying the First Amendment and national principles. The concept of an exceptional America. Funding Needs: Designers for educational materials. Publishers, bookbinding, printing presses. Event promotion (flyers, banners, posters, radio, TV, social media). Event logistics (venue rental, chairs, tables, snacks, and lunches). Volunteers and war veterans to assist with events. The goal is to foster a love and understanding of the nation's foundational principles in a way that is inclusive of all backgrounds and beliefs, without emphasizing any particular religion.

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