Daniel Ferrer
Daniel Ferrer
Is a 13-year-old from Virginia with Cuban heritage. He studies at Mater Virtual Academy, where he is part of the National Honor Society. In 2021, he founded the Patriot Kids Foundation to teach children to love and respect American history, its founding fathers, and key documents like the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Raised with a strong sense of faith in God and national pride, he first encountered conservative ideas at age seven, when he attended his first Republican convention.
Among his many appearances, Daniel was a special guest of President Trump at an FIU rally in November 2022 and was later invited to the Mar-a-Lago CPAC After Party in January 2023. He offered opening remarks at the Museum of the Cuban Diaspora in February and was interviewed at CPAC Washington in March by Mercedes Schlapp. In May, he traveled to CPAC Hungary and the Austrian Parliament, then addressed the Golden Triangle Republican Women in Texas in June. He continued his advocacy at a BLEXIT event in New York, the Turning Point Action Conference in Florida, and the Anti-Communist Congress of Miami. Looking ahead, he is slated to appear at CPAC Washington 2024 and Tim Barton’s Pastors Briefing Conference in Washington, D.C., while also delivering a conference at the Museum of the Cuban Diaspora in June 2024 and speaking for the Republican group at the University of South Florida. Daniel is certified by the Patriot Academy Foundation as a Coach to teach the U.S. Constitution in all 50 states.